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Lineup 2025
Acherontas (Greece)

Adorior (UK)

Adversarial (Canada)

Agressor (France)

Ancient Rites (Belgium)

And Oceans (Finland)

Ares Kingdom (USA)

At War (USA)

Beastlurker (USA)

Bewitched (Sweden)

Cadaveric Incubator (Finland)

Chamber of Unlight (Finland)

Church of Disgust (USA)

Communion (Chile)

Corpsessed (Finland)

Cruciamentum (UK)

Crucifier (USA)

Crypts of Despair (Lithuania)

Dead Congregation (Greece)

Dekapited (Chile)

Demoncy (USA)

Desaster (Germany)

Diocletian (New Zealand)

Disma (USA)

Doedsvangr (International)

Eggs of Gomorrh (Switzerland)

Engorge (USA)

Eurynomos (Germany)

Father Befouled (USA)

Gehennah (Sweden)

Grave Desecrator (Brazil)

Hecate Enthroned (UK)

Imperial Crystalline Entombment (USA)

Inferno (Czechia)

Invocation Spells (Chile)

Krieg (USA)

Lantern (Finland)

Lie In Ruins (Finland)

Luctus (Lithuania)

Mortem (Peru)

Necrowretch (France)

Nocturnal (Germany)

Old Coven (USA)

Omegavortex (Germany)

Opprobrium (USA)

Ritual Combat (USA)

Sacrilega (USA)

Schizo (Italy)

Seth (France)

Sextrash (Brazil)

Skyforger (Latvia)

Slaughter Messiah (Belgium)

Sodomizer (Brazil)

Soulburn (Netherlands)

Usurper (USA)

Venefixion (France)

Weregoat (USA)

White Death (Finland)

Destroyer 666




Satanic Warmaster


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